If you have a shape within a shape, you will leave the next shape on the first side & glue it. Pick each on up, flip it over & place it so that it is mirror image on the “blank” side of the 12×18″ paper.
Place all your pieces back onto the 9×12″ paper-DO NOT GLUE THEM. Use a glue stick so the paper doesn’t warp. Place the 12×18″ paper down first, glue the main piece of 9×12″ cut paper on to it. Give each student a gallon size ziplock back to keep all the pieces in. Place 9×12″ sheet onto a cutting board & use scissors or an exacto knife to precisely cut the design out. (this example shows the design on a white sheet of paper so you can see the design-it was actually drawn onto the turquoise paper). Some shapes can come from the edges as well. ART WITH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SPACE FULL
On the 9×12″ sheet placed vertically, use a pencil to draw in designs-they must be full shapes, not just a single line. Students select 1 sheet each of 9×12″ & 12×18″ construction paper of contrasting colors. Supplies: 12×18 sheets of colored art paper, 9×12″ sheets of colored art paper, pencils, scissors, optional: exacto knives, stick glue, gallon ziplock bags for cut pieces Positive space is often the subject of a work of art such as a person, landscape, or object. Symmetrical Balance: a design is the same or almost exactly the same on both sides. Positive space becomes negative and visa versa. Positive & Negative Space Reversal: visually switching back and forth between the positive and negative space. Negative Space: the empty or non-interesting space between and around the main objects. Positive Space: the main shapes or forms (main objects or shapes) in an artwork. Adding areas of negative space can directly alter the overall meaning. Space: the area above, below, between & through objects in a piece of art. 1.Sometimes you can create more of an impact by what you don’t draw than by what you do. This is a great book that explains the history & meaning behind Notan. Unity - Total visual effect in a composition achieved by the careful blending of the elements of art + the principles of design.Notan: The Dark-Light Principle of Design (Dover Art Instruction). Total visual effect in a composition achieved by the careful blending of the elements of art and principles of design. Unity- Compositional similarity, oneness, togetherness, or cohesion. Space - An area in which objects or images can exist. It can be found in nature or is made by humans. Shape - A two-dimensional area or plane that may be open or closed, free-form or geometric. Positive - Shapes or spaces that are or represent solid objects. Negative - Refers to shapes or spaces that are or represent areas unoccupied by objects. Thepositive + negative spaces are seperate but equally important. Notan - Japanese word meaning dark-light which ocuses on the interaction between positive + negative space. Harmony - The principle of design that combines elements in a work of art to emphasize similarities of separate but related parts. Middle ground + background are the parts of the picture that appear to be farther + farthest away. Foreground - Part of a 2-dimensional artwork that appears to be nearest the viewer or in the front. Contrast - Difference between two or more elements (e.g., value, color, texture) in a composition juxtaposition of dissimilar elements in a work of art also, the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture. Composition - The organization of elements in a work of art. The three types of balance are symmetry, asymmetry, and radial. Balance - The way in which the elements in visual arts are arranged to create a feeling of equilibrium in a work of art. Background - The part of a picture plane that seems to be farthest from the viewer. The center, large piece is the last to be glued. Always place center, large piece down, then line up cut pieces prior to gluing. Cut pieces should be carefully placed for best results. On cut pieces, put glue on front, then flip over. Two sided paper makes its easier for students. Note to students to be aware of which side is the front, and which is the back of their paper. ART WITH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SPACE HOW TO
Demonstrate the cutting process + how to flip the cut piece over after applying glue prior to students working on their projects.It teaches a level of visual literacy necessary for controlling space. The project is about composition, controlling space.
Counterchange is the switching between the background + the foreground. It is the Japanese word for the interaction between light + dark. Notan is about the relationship of light + dark shapes. Show students examples of positive and negative space in artwork created by various artists.